Cupping is a ancient Chinese (east Asian) medicine traditionally used with glass bulbs swabbed with alcohol and set on fire to create a therapeutic suction. Spa Oguzor does not use glass bulbs and alcohol, we use manual cupping pumps and plastic bulbs for deeper suction.
what is the difference between wet & dry cupping?
Dry cupping is suction of the skin without cuts and bleeding. Wet cupping is suction of the skin with cuts and bleeding.
What does cupping do for the body?
Cupping increase circulation like most massage therapy techniques. It also relaxes muscles. Why is it so special then you may be asking, well, cupping does one thing most techniques don't; it breaks up connective tissue and adhesion's under the skin. This is great for breaking up scar tissue and cellulite (pockets of fat within skin).
How is cupping done?
Cupping at Spa Oguzor, like stated before, is done with a cupping therapy pump and plastic bulbs rather than tradition Chinese medicine glass bulbs and fire. (Both ways create a suction). The bulb is placed in specific locations and used to massage(sliding) the body while the pump will create a suction on the skin and muscles. This suction will lift the skins layers, connective tissues underneath and muscles below. (The Therapist will ask about the comfort levels as the service goes on). The cups will sit a few minutes then be taken off.
Post (After) Service
After the session, it is common to have red or purple circles (bruises) where the bulbs were. (It goes away after a few days). Like all massages it is good to drink plenty of water and stretch.
What do the circles tell the therapist?
The colors of the circles let the therapist see where the areas of toxins are held due to tension.